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Trail of Bones

The original Trail of Bones multimedia, is a six minutes DVD and we cut the credits to accommodate the 4 minutes requirement. The multimedia honors those who died crossing the middle passage during the Atlantic slave trade. It was inspired by this quote : “If the Atlantic Ocean were to dry up, a trail of bones would lead from the shores of Africa to the Americas” written by Barbara J. Molette, Ph.D. Emeritus Professor of English from Eastern Connecticut State University, as part of the catalogue for the exhibition at Trinity College, Hartford, CT, 2008. The Multi-Media Credits includes: Imna Arroyo Executive and artistic direction in collaboration with James Nicholas Winner Arroyo who also did the motion graphic & special effects; Jaime Gomez, Studio Director, and Crag Naumer videographer, script by Barbara Molete; Mojuba (a Yoruba honoring the ancestors ) by Lazaro Ross (a Cuban musician/singer) and music by Martin Obein (musician /drummer from Ghana, West Africa).

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